CSS 206: Conflict Resolution and Peace-building

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, the students should be able to:

  1. discuss the concepts of conflict, conflict analysis, peacekeeping, peace enforcement, peace-building, arbitration and mediation;
  2. examine the elements, nature and causes of conflict as well as conflict resolution objectives and processes;
  3. explain the impact of governance and development on conflict, conflict resolution and peacekeeping;
  4. identify mechanisms of peacekeeping and peace building in post-conflict setting;
  5. analyse conflicts; identify parties and interests of parties;
  6. appreciate theoretical perspectives on conflict, conflict resolution and peace building;
  7. discuss the roles of conflict and their effects on conflict resolution and peacekeeping;
  8. explain the relationship among conflict resolution, peace building, security and development; and
  9. discuss the principles and ethics in mediation, conflict resolution and peace building.
Course Contents

Concepts of conflict, conflict resolution, peacekeeping, peace enforcement, peacekeeping, mediation and arbitration. Elements, nature and causes of conflict. Factors that enhance or inhibit peace. Traditional conflict prevention and resolution methods. Governance, development and conflict; early warning system. Parties and interests in conflicts. Types and stages of conflict. Role of conflict entrepreneurs and warlords. Resource conflicts, strategies of conflict resolution. Conflict analysis and mediation. Mechanisms of peacekeeping and peace building in post-conflict setting. Perspectives on conflict resolution and peace building. Relationship among conflict resolution, peace-building, security and development, and principles and ethics in mediation, conflict resolution and peace-building, and transitional justice.