PCR 103: Introduction to Psychology

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, the students should be able to:

  1. discuss the aims of studying psychology;
  2. explain and critically evaluate the schools of psychology;
  3. discuss the historical antecedents to modern psychology;
  4. explain different areas of specialization in psychology;
  5. list the methods of investigation, data collection and principles that guide scientific research;
  6. discuss the relationship between psychology and other disciplines; and
  7. evaluate the controversies in psychology.
Course Contents

A brief history of psychology. Aims of psychology. Early schools of psychology: structuralism, functionalism, behaviourism, gestalt psychology, psychoanalysis. Later schools of psychology: cognitive. Evolutionary, humanistic, biological and many others. Fields of psychology: Clinical, industrial, social, environmental, developmental, school, educational, neuropsychology, medical/behavioural and many others.

Psychology as a scientific discipline: principles that guide scientific research such as objectivism, empiricism, determinism, skepticism, convergence of operation, refutability, testability and many others. Methods of investigation in psychology: experimentation, observation, case-study, survey, archival. Relationship between psychology and other disciplines. Current issues – mind and body, Nature and Nurture controversies.