MCB 405: Principles of Epidemiology & Public Health Microbiology



Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to:
1. explain epidemiological concepts (distribution, frequency, determinants, population, pattern)
2. explain herd immunity and its importance;
3. describe epidemiological field investigation methodologies;
4. illustrate mode of viral replication, episomes, virallatency(episomal latency and proviral
latency); immunization, transmission of diseases by direct and indirect methods; and
5. explain schedules and zoonotic infections

Course Contents
Epidemiology and epidemiological concepts and types of epidemiology. Statistical applications to
epidemiology. Nature of epidemiological investigations. Spectrum of infections. Herd immunity.
Latency of infections. Multifactorial systems in epidemics. Zoonoses. Antigenic drifts. Biological
products for immunization. Schedules for international control of infectious diseases.
Transmission routes and infectious doses (airborne, waterborne, urogenital transmissions,
arthropod borne, direct contact). Controlling epidemics (reducing or eliminating reservoirs,
breaking transmission routes, reducing number of susceptible individuals, quarantine).
Epidemiological investigations and surveillance. Disease surveillance. Emergency preparedness
and global early warning System.