Learning Outcomes
At the end of this course, students should be able to:
1. explain the principles of good programming and structured programming concepts;
2. explain the programming constructs, syntax, and semantics of a higher-level language;
3. describe the chosen programming language variables, types, expressions, statements, and
assignment; simple input and output;
4. describe the programme control structures, functions and parameter passing, and
structured decomposition; and
5. develop simple programmes in the taught programming language as well as debug and
test them.
Course Contents
Essentials of computer programming. Types of programming: Functional programming;
Declarative programming; Logic programming, object-oriented programming. Scripting
languages, structured programming principles. Basic data types, variables, expressions,
assignment statements, and operators. Basic object-oriented concepts: abstraction; objects;
classes; methods; parameter passing; encapsulation. Class hierarchies and programme
organisation using packages/namespaces. Use of API – use of iterators/enumerators, List,
Stack, Queue from API. Searching; sorting; Recursive algorithms. Event-driven programming:
event-handling methods; event propagation; exception handling. Introduction to Strings and
string processing. Simple I/O; control structures; Arrays. Simple recursive algorithms;
inheritance; polymorphism.
Lab work:
Programming assignments, design and implementation of simple algorithms, e.g.,
average, standard deviation, searching and sorting. Developing and tracing simple recursive
algorithms. Inheritance and polymorphism.