Department of Sociology


Department of Sociology


The major objectives of a degree in Sociology are to:

  1. instil in students a sound knowledge of Sociology, an appreciation of its application in different socio-cultural contexts and to involve the students in an intellectually stimulating and satisfying experience of learning and studying the workings of society;
  2. provide students with broad and well-balanced knowledge of sociological theories and methods, to improve students’ analytical ability as well as objective and critical judgement;
  3. cultivate in students the ability to apply their sociological knowledge and skills to the understanding and solution of societal problems in Nigeria and elsewhere;
  4. provide students with relevant knowledge and skill base from which they can proceed to further studies in special areas of Sociology or multi-disciplinary areas involving Sociology;
  5. to develop students understanding of self, interests and abilities for proper adjustment to life challenges thereby engendering high quality mental health;
  6. instil in students an appreciation of the importance of Sociology in socio-cultural, legal, economic, political, religious, industrial and environmental
  7. develop in students a range of useful competencies for public, private or self- employment; and
  8. producing graduates who have potential for re-engineering social order for improved personal and social life.

Our Vision

Vission Statement

Our Mission

Mission Statement

Our Programs

B. Sc. Criminology and Security Studies
B. Sc. Peace and Conflict Resolution
B. Sc. Intelligence and Security Studies

HOD's Welcome Address

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