PHY 415: Science of Materials

Learning Outcomes
After successfully completing the course, the student should be able to:
1. differentiate between ductility and hardness;
2. differentiate between toughness and hardness;
3. explain glass transition temperature, amorphous semiconductor and fibre optics;
4. distinguish between cis and trans polymers;
5. explain steel phase diagram;
6. explain interface properties; and
7. discuss the principles of imaging techniques in nano structures.

Course Contents
General introduction of materials. Mechanical properties of materials: stress, strain, ductility,
hardness, toughness and fatigue. Non–Crystalline materials: glasses, amorphous,
semiconductors, fibre optics. Organic materials: conducting polymers, organic metals. Alloys:
steel, phase diagram. Surfaces: reconstruction, relaxation, work function. Interfaces:
magnetoresistance, integral and fractional quantum hall effect, giant magnetoresistance,
heterostructures. Nanomaterials: Imaging techniques, electrical and thermal properties.