CSS 202: Nigerian Criminal Procedure and Evidence

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, the students should be able to:

  1. explain the goals and structure of Nigerian criminal justice system, fundamental human rights, principles of law enforcement and criminal justice administration;
  2. identify the basic principles of Nigerian criminal procedure and evidence;
  3. discuss the nature and stages of criminal procedure;
  4. explain the purposes and elements of criminal procedure as well as the significance of evidence in criminal justice administration; and
  5. demonstrate knowledge of procedure and evidence in selected criminal proceedings like homicide, theft, fraud, and rape.
Course Contents

Overview of the goals and structure of criminal law and criminal justice system. Fundamental rights, law enforcement and criminal justice administration. Overview of the sources and development of Nigerian criminal law. Key stages of criminal procedure (arrest, detention, indictment or charges, arraignment for plea; trial, judgment, sentencing and execution of sentence). Major actors in criminal procedure (police, investigators; prosecutors, judges, custodial officials and defence attorneys and witnesses). Nature of evidence. Requirements for the admissibility of evidence. Nature and stages of criminal procedure. Significance of evidence in criminal justice administration. Procedure and evidence in selected criminal proceedings like homicide, theft, fraud, and rape. Juveniles in criminal justice system.