CSS 305: Forensic Science

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, the students should be able to:

  1. explain the meaning, evolution, theories and methods of forensic science;
  2. discuss methods applied and evidence obtained through forensic science;
  3. analyse the significance of forensic science in criminal intelligence, investigation and prosecution;
  4. appreciate the significance of forensic science in law enforcement and criminal justice administration; and
  5. assess the application of forensic science in the Nigerian criminal justice and security systems.
Course Contents

Overview of evolution, concepts, forensic science speciality. Application of forensic science in criminal intelligence, investigation and prosecution. Investigation and collection of evidence at the crime sceneWIDER laboratory analysis of exhibits; forensic methods and evidence (biological, chNOCFemical, psychological and anthropological analyses. DNA, trace, fingerprints, toxicology; blood, vocal, document and handwriting); application of forensic science in law enforcement and criminal justice administration in Nigeria.