MCB 412: Microbial Genetics



Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to:
1. describe mutations and mutagens;
2. explain DNA transfer in bacteria, fungi and viruses;
3. describe Plasmids, Phages, Cosmids; and
4. list procedure for the transfer of the gene in Recombinant DNA Technology and procedures
for recognition of transformed cell

Course Contents
Principles of genetic analysis; plasmids (conjugative and non-conjugative plasmids). Plasmid
nomenclature, and transposable genetic elements, mutagenesis and DNA repairs, bacteriophages
genetics and genetics of nitrogen fixation. Mechanism and nature of mutation, induction, isolation
and characterization of mutants and mutagens. Genetic recombination in prokaryotes including
transformation, transduction, conjugation, proptoplast fusion, site directed mutation, genetic
engineering (recombinant DNA technology), DNA splicing, Restriction endonucleases and
methylases DNA ligases, their nomenclature phage conversion (cosmids) and transfection. Recent
techniques in microbial genetics. Chemical coding and expression of genetic information. Fungal
genetics. Principles and applications of genetic engineering.