MCB 424: Microbial Physiology & Metabolism



Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to:
1. explain the growth dynamics of bacterial cultures;
2. discuss the effect of physical and chemical factors affecting bacterial growth;
3. identify energy and carbon sources for autotrophic and heterotrophic bacteria;
4. describe metabolic pathways for biosynthesis of industrial microbiology;
5. elucidate anabolic and catabolic reactions,
6. explain gibbs free energy, entropy, enthalpy and their relationships; and
7. discuss energy of catabolic reactions and anabolic reactions and enzymes and activation

Course Contents
Review of bacterial anatomy and cytochemistry. Dynamics of growth (batch and continuous
culture). Nutrition and energy metabolism of micro-organisms. Effect of physical and chemical
factors on growth; biochemistry of various microbial processes such as transport, regulation and
respiration. Biosynthesis of microbial products. Bioenergetics, autotrophic (photoautotrophs and
chemoautotrophs) metabolism, catabolism and anabolic reactions, activation energy and Enzyme
action and control Buffer preparation and standardization. Basic separation techniques in
microbiology, dialysis, salting out, gel filtration, electrophoresis etc. Assay techniques for various
metabolites including microbial enzymes, acids etc.