PSY 215: Forensic Psychology



Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, it is expected that students should be able to:

  1. demonstrate knowledge and understanding of meaning and scope of forensic psychology;
  2. describe the techniques and processes of forensic investigations, the art of identification of incidence as well as psychological approaches to interrogations and confessions using psychological skills;
  3. explain the impact of crime, delinquency and psychopathic behaviours on society;
  4. construct the personality profile of criminals; and,
  5. describe the role of psychologists in the criminal justice system, mental health of the offender and mental health legislations.

Course Contents

The concept and scope of forensic psychology, techniques and processes of forensic investigations, art of identification of incidence, psychological approaches to interrogations and confessions using psychological skills; crime and delinquency, psychopathic behaviours and society, juvenile offender, social and psychological implications of legal judgements; crime culture and prevention, the reliability of eye witness testimony, construction of the personality profile of criminals; role of psychologists in the criminal justice system (court room), the mental health of the offender and mental health legislation.