MCM 104: Introduction to News Writing

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this course, the students will:

  1. define news;
  2. identify elements of news, news values/virtues;
  3. discuss qualities of a good news writer or reporter;
  4. identify the components of a typical news story;
  5. discuss the general rules/guidelines for news writing or reporting; and
  6. explain standard reporting and news gathering techniques and sources of news stories.
Course Content

This is a practical course designed to enable students to become proficient in preparing a publishable copy under deadline. The course examines various definitions of news as well as the structure of the news stay and other journalistic forms. Students are a l s o taught the theory and practice of News Reporting, made to review the lively arts for a daily newspaper. Focus is on writing, analysing and marketing factual articles for newspapers, general and specialized magazines; subject research, investigation of editorial needs, ethical and legal problems and manuscript preparation.

Also, students are taught how to identify a news story; and assigned beats, primarily on campus, to develop stories for publication and encouraged to submit outstanding articles to the metropolitan news media.